Saturday 25 June 2016

Welsh Poppy revisited

As it's Sew in Love's eleventh blog-o-versary tomorrow, I thought I must mark occasion with a post!  What better thing to talk about than revisiting and improving a project from a couple of years ago that I wasn't very pleased with.

The problem with this one was the leaves, especially the darker one.  I just couldn't seem to get the shading right and it only looked decent upside down!!!  Also, it's a teeny bit puckered (a problem I constantly have with heavy embroideries, despite backing my fabric and making sure it's all held very taut in a hoop) I was wondering what to do with it as I didn't want to display it and it didn't seem to fit anything else.

Recently I needed a small piece to put into a baptism card and this one, turned on it's side so as to both fit better and to lead the eye more to the flower than it otherwise might have, met my needs about as perfectly as it could as long as you ignore the fact that the main stem shading is clearly upside down!!  The good thing is, by far the majority of people wouldn't notice that at all. =)

I'm almost out of white card blanks and I can't get any more as the company who made these seem to have long since disappeared from the marketplace, so I had to paint around the rim with white acrylic (not terribly well, I'm sorry to say....), in order to have a white 'mount' effect.  I liked it, just need to make sure and get it without any spills next time.

So, happy eleventh blog anniversary to Sew in Love and here's hoping that the next eleven go ever better!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2016


  1. Congratulations Elizabeth - and I am sure the card's recipient will be delighted too. I am looking forward to your next eleven years as a blogger!

  2. Anonymous12:47 pm

    It's quite beautiful no matter what you say! Love the painted mat!

  3. Congratulations. I know the closeup shows the painting not quite as neat as you might like, but the larger photo showing the whole thing looks really good!

  4. It's a lovely card, and Happy Blogoversary!

  5. Happy Aniversary! The embroidery is lovely! No one will notice the shadow placement. Even though I have taken classes in "cast shadows" and I still have a hard time with it.

  6. Happy Blogsversary :)

  7. Beautiful work! 11 years of blogging?! Wow!!

  8. Your works are wonderful!


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