Thursday, 17 March 2011

Stitching for Men - Part 1

It can be hard to embroider something for the men in our lives without fear of giving them something too 'girlie', can't it? So, I thought I'd quickly showcase the things I've made for blokes in the past. Start at the top, and here are all the things I've stitched for my hubby. These are some of the anniversary cards I've made for him (others have been other crafts or even, shock-horror, bought!) along with two graduation cards (that man has more degrees than he knows what to do with!). He sometimes gets them out to proudly show off to visitors. I must say, that warms the heart no end, especially as he doesn't compliment me or praise me to others very often!

He collects bookmarks and, whilst the majority of his collection are those embossed leather ones, he's also made use of the two I made for him.

Finally, here's a cross stitch that took me ages and will, eventually, be framed and hung in his study.

To be honest, I think 90% of the 'too girlie' fear is all in our heads as men like birds, animals, flowers etc just as much as we do. In the 21st century, they may not decorate themselves and their surroundings with them to the degree we might, (although floral bermudas and shirts are seen, to say nothing of some terrific ties...), but they do like them and generally won't object to being given them within reason. So, go on, make something for your man! Believe me, he'll love it.=)


  1. You can also monogram hankies or socks (although that's a bit tricky because you don't want to inhibit the stretch or interfere with the wash!).

    If you like counted cross stitch there are a lot of companies selling charts or kits for cars and trucks, too...

    There are plenty of options for the affectionate embroiderer!

  2. Carol R7:47 pm

    Those are lovely! No wonder he is so proud of them.

    I made my marine biologist son a silk-and-gold mantis shrimp, and put it in a paperweight. I'm also planning to (eventually) embroider his favorite shell on a business card case.

    Never done anything embroidered for Hubby, although I did make him a terry cloth bathrobe that he just loves and has worn to death (time for a new one!).

  3. I sewed a tie for my husband, which he wore for our wedding. Nothing fancy, just a very simple design, but it was the first time I'd tried making a tie so it could have gone horribly wrong! I love that ship design :)

  4. I made my DH a single bed quilt while doing my C&G the sides come off and it is up on the wall in his study. I also did a King sized one for my DS. he requested the size and as it was the first big quilt I'd made it came as a bit of a shock.

  5. I like your embroidery, the stumpwork, and the ribbon, do not have secrets anymore for you, it is magnificent!

    Beautiful day

  6. What a good idea for a post. I felted a coaster for my beloved, but it keeps getting lost under the pile of things which constantly accumulate on his desk....

  7. Tus trabajos a punto de cruz y bordados son muy bonitos.Felicidades.

    Un saludo desde EspaƱa.

  8. The postcards are wonderful!


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