Monday, 3 October 2011

Working on the Narrowboat

Well, a little bit anyway. It's been a while since I last posted an update on this piece, but, as I've now made it to 150 Blogger followers (thank you all!), I thought I'd make a celebratory post and give an update on the only thing I've really been stitching at all.

Last update showed much the same status, just without the bridge on the top left hand side. Not very far to go now with the main cross stitching on this one, then it's on to working the sky in half stitch. It was originally meant to be in regular cross stitch, but I like the slightly textured effect one gets from doing a one strand half stitch background. Some of the flowers are to be done in French knots too, so more depth and texture there.

Maybe I'll finish this one and the other 2 WIPs this year, who knows??=)

© Elizabeth Braun 2011


  1. Looking good! And congratulations on 150 followers! Good job!

  2. The bridge makes a little more sense of the balance of the picture - you must by now feel that the end is in sight!

  3. Congratulations on your 150th follower! Narrowboat is looking good.

  4. loely , I like the mix of textures in the embroidery.


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