Wednesday 12 July 2017

Welcome visitors from Pintangle!

Thank you very much for clicking over to see me. ☺

I was very flattered when Sharon asked to include me in her TAST interview series, especially as I haven't been able to join in as much as I'd have liked to.  Also, if you've read the interview you'll know I'm not very good at the exploratory process - I'm very different from many of the artists featured thus far!  However, I do like to learn new things and develop as much skill as I can, so TAST is one of the challenges that offer a constant opportunity to move forward.  I'm planning on looking more closely into the Embroiderer's Guild distance learning courses towards the end of this year, so they may provide the needed impetus.

If you'd like to know more about the wedding dress panel, you can see my series of seven posts on the project, or hop over to the Kreinik Threads Blog to read their interview with me about it. ☺♥☻

I'm having some technology problems at the moment - both my laptop and my digital camera urgently need replacing (the camera I can only use if I seal the battery door up with duct tape, and the laptop is exasperatingly slow, no matter how much I delete, disable or otherwise clean up), so blogging has been rather neglected of late.  It takes a lot of patience and planning to get anything done, so there are a few projects waiting to be published.  Assuming I get my tech up to speed in the next few weeks (as I very much hope to, and Sir has agreed the funds for it ☺) , here's a sneak peek at what's coming up soon:

Here you can see some previews of counted thread and freestyle embroideries, sewing and knitting projects, and preparation for entering some local summer shows.

I'll be blogging all of these projects and more in the near future, including my sewing workshop days and some overviews of all the handicrafts exhibits at the Bingley and Ryedale Shows held later this month and the Shadwell Flower Show in mid August.

You can subscribe using the e-mail service (just remember to complete the verification process, or you won't be signed up), or any of the usual reader services.  There are widgets for some of the most popular part way down in the side bar.  I'm also on Instagram.

If you'd like to know more about my work, please do feel free to have a look at the gallery pages which you can find links for just under the blog header image.

My apologies for a relatively short and dull intro post, but I seem to be in for a bout of tonsillitis (or a cold at least) and I'm feeling just that little bit ropey today. However, thanks very much again for calling in and I hope to host you in my web home often. ☺♥☻

If you haven't seen the interview I'm referring to in this post, click here for a look!

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2017


  1. Has the interview been posted on TAST? I can't find it.

    1. Might need an hour or two more... :)

  2. Bellissimi lavori, Complimenti! .....cercherò di approfondire quanto è scritto in questo post.

    Un caro saluto dall'Italia,

  3. Great interview! Lovely to see you being featured in so many places - well deserved!x

  4. Get well soon!

    It was an interesting interview - must have involved a lot of thinking!

  5. Great to meet you Elizabeth - I am looking forward to following your progress. xx

  6. Lindos trabalhos! Maravilhoso! Cumprimentos

  7. Hi! I love the different types of work you do, it is very inspiring :)
    I just thought you might be interested in what I have to say, bear with me here :)

    I work at the small startup The Folklore Company, a site where you can design your own embroidery. It’s essentially a union of today’s digitization and old school cross stitch embroidery. Our vision is to make embroidery more approachable to beginners and the younger generation by making the pattern making process easier.

    We really believe in our product and think that it can make a difference in making embroidery something for everyone! So we just want to spread the word (and hopefully we can get some help with that) :)

    We’re also interested in collaborations with talented embroidery designers. Right now we mainly focus on cross stitch but will probably create patterns for other stitch types in the future.

    You can visit us at

    We would be so happy if you like what we have to offer, if you want to collaborate in some way or feel like we’re worth sharing with your readers.

    Regards Marielle Jensen

  8. I am new to blogs and i just started a random thoughts ..but you write really well ...may b i get get some help from you


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July 2022