There are also some pieces with hardanger elements on the 'Counted and Drawn Thread' page.
This is Mary Hickmott's 'Delicate Dreams' design. It has 808 beads on it!! I omitted the outer border as it was already quite a large piece. For the whole series of WIP photos (including an early false start), see here. |
This photo is rather disappointing as it doesn't show up the pinks and purples in the thread at all, which was a problem I had all the way through the whole project. Anyway, this is Mary Hickmott's 'Soft as Snow'.
Mary Hickmott's 'Ring of Roses' design, originally meant to be a table centre with buttonhole edging, but adapted into a scatter cushion. See the WIP series here.
Another lovely design by Mary Hickmott, but one that I adapted a bit. See how it developed in the WIP series. |
Yet another Mary Hickmott hardanger design. This time it was a free download from the old 'Classic Stitches' website and this is the second time I worked it, the other one being in pink-based shades. |
A Donna M Olsen design from her 'Time for Tea - Jasmine' leaflet. |
Nordic Needlecraft's 'Leaves and Flowers' design. The original had the green parts also done in the coral shade, but I thought 'we can do better than that!' See the WIP series here.
My own design finished up into a small cushion |
You've guessed it, this is Mary Hickmott again, but this time I selected certain parts of a sampler and then widened the bottom edge to fit. Worked in an Anchor #5 pearl white which had a gold thread running through it. |
Here are four small pieces - all elements from larger designs |
A pure hardanger sampler bellpull - Mary Hickmott, of course! See how it progressed in the WIP series. |
Another MH design from a New Stitches feature. |
This one was re-using the most basic hardanger card pattern from MH's 'Easing Into Hardanger', but with one of the newer Anchor multicolour threads, which really adds life to it. |
I think I may have graphed this one myself - for DH on one of our anniversaries. |
Worked as a 'get well soon' card for DH's stepfather and from MH's 'Flowers with Hardanger' |
My very first hardanger piece, from MH's 'Easing Into Hardanger' |
Later on in the same book comes this design, which I mounted in a card rather than adding buttonhole edging and have it hanging around. This was worked in Caron threads. |
This design was put together from a few elements of others' work and stitched up with the thread with gold in it. |
From MH's 'Moving on in Hardanger' and worked in Anchor multicolour threads. |
A self-charted design adapted from one in 'The Anchor Book of Hardanger'. |
The pink version of the green needlecase seen above. This one I gave to - and is used by - my mother-in-law. |
Three bookmarks worked from the same pattern leaflet with plenty of colour play! |
Sadly, this photo is rather small, but this is the first hardanger scatter cushion cover I made and is from MH's 'Flowers with Hardanger.' See the WIP photos here. |
© Elizabeth Braun 2005-2014
Also, WOW! I wasn't sure Hardanger was for me but between you and the folks at Nordic Needle, I may change my mind. Your finished projects are so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
I came here from the NordicNeedle News Letter. I love your work, especially the bunny that was featured in your story. Your work is beautiful. I am going to enjoy looking at your pages and following you on Google! I've created a new group in my profile called "Stitchy Friends". I hope other stitchers are on Google as well.
Hello Elizabeth, I came to your site via the Nordic website and am so pleased I did. I am also a member of Stitchin Fingers. Your work is exquisite and I shall be subscribing to Mary Hickmott's magazine just as soon as I can. I would like to know where you purchase your supplies, particularly Coton A Broder, Linen fabrics? You can either message me on Stitchin' Fingers or my email is I will be following your blog in future, I'm totally entranced. Thank you Kind Regards Mandy Currie
Me encanta esta técnica aunque no la practique. Sus trabajos son preciosos!!!
Dear Elizabeth, your creative work is very inspirational. Many Thanks for being there, with Love.
How did I get so hooked on this stuff….hardanger….chocolate….babies….animals…..
Just wish I could see better, and could get project and instruction books here…. Thank you for the beautiful share…Christine (USA)
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