Saturday, 11 October 2014

Taking a week off....

Going to take a little big of a blog breather this week.  I seem to have got behind with everything I can think of and am also finding myself a bit shorter on umph than I would like, so I plan to give myself as much of a break as I can from extras and have resisted the temptation to take on extra students and a free CQ course that would have added to my load recently.  Being good - however dull that may be. LOL!!

On the positive side, a break week usually means I have more to show you afterwards!!=)

Have a good one, readers all and I'll be back soon.....  (but will still be reviewing your blogs....)

Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2014


Magpie's Mumblings said...

Have a great week - enjoy your break!

Irene said...

Good on you. Have a fun and productive time!

jen said...

Hope you get back on top of things soon. Take care

Sparklyjools said...

Sounds very sensible. Have just had a 3 day migraine probably due to taking on too much :( so I'm right there with you. Relax, rest and enjoy the break.

zenuwpees said...

Lovely embroidery hugs Marie-Claire

Queeniepatch said...

Use the time wisely, give yourself as much rest as you need.
Beautiful stitches on the photo!

Rachel said...

Enjoy your break!
