"And here we are again for 'Show and Tell'"
Feel like Sally Brown doing this! That's Charlie Brown's lil' sister, btw!! Love 'Peanuts'.=)
So, a few more older finishes before I get stuck into finishing off all the WIPs and WTBSUs ('waiting to be sewn up's):Here's the Victoria Sampler 'Heart to Heart' friendship sampler design I adapted a bit and made into an anniversary bellpull, (with a wonky bottom, rats!), and the largest hardanger card I ever stitched, which is about A4 sized!!
I just ordered some goldwork threads for my friend's wedding present, a 'Welcome' sign for their porch done in goldwork with a silk-shaded flower. Yup, real silk too.=)
May to July
1 year ago
Greetings, Elizabeth! Thanks for snooping around my blog. ;-) I must say that your blog looks absolutely adorable and your projects stunning. Keep up the good -dare I say, great!- work and have a good day/evening/weekend, etc... ;-)
Hi Elisabeth, your latest update on Orange Blossom is looking good!
I've just completed stitching one for a needlebook but not sure how to finish it off as i cannot sew...
I love your Heart to Heart Friendship Sampler and wow! that's a big one for a card.
By the way, i have a few hardanger WIP here somewhere, one i hope to work on soon is one of Loopylou designs. About the Today's Menu, yes it will be for the kitchen wall here.
Have a nice weekend! Hugs,Mylene
Oooooo, nice stitching, Elisabeth!!
Looking forward to seeing your new project once it gets started. :D
Very very nice. Job well done!
I really love your VS piece
and your version of the little
heart card pieces using the
VS chart. I have lots of
watercolor and would love to
do one of those hearts like yours.
I am also a big fan of Textile
Heritage and just love the orange
blossom set. You are my
inspiration for the hardanger
pieces as well. I love
to read your blog and look
at your finishes and wish
you have an email address where
I can email you personally.
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