Sunday, 25 January 2009

Goldfinch update

This is what the goldfinches look like right now. I've finished the background half-cross stitching and put in the top stitching on the birds. There's just the top stitching on the thistles to do now - a few details on the leaves and then the old gold thistledown details. Should have that one done very soon now.=) It'll be nice to finish something. When you have such simple WIPs hanging around for months on end, you feel like you're never doing anything, despite having done all sorts of other things.

My college work (C&G stuff) is horribly behind and I don't seem to be able to find the uumph to get on with it, despite how much it stresses me out! I'll no doubt feel much better once it's done, but I just don't want to. Oh, how contrary we can be! I've been lusting after a C&G course for years and now I'm doing one.....

Actually did some viola practice yesterday and will do more today. Something is moving forward at least and, well, I do have a nasty cold! Thanks for all the kind well wishes and, yes Von, I will try and be sensible and recover fully. Nothing really strenuous (except a bit of housework) or demanding this week, so shouldn't be too bad.

Hier sind meine Distelfinken - fast fertig! Es gibt nur ein bißchen 'Langstich' übrig, dann ist dieses Bild endlich fertig.=) Ich bin im Moment stark erkältet, aber lebe noch!!

我快把我的金翅雀十字绣绣完了。这个画是在3月开始的,可是挺简单绣的。可以说学院的事阻止我早一点把金翅雀绣完。 我现在感冒了,很麻烦啊!

我快把我的金翅雀十字繡繡完了。這個畫是在3月開始的,可是挺簡單繡的。可以說學院的事阻止我早一點把金翅雀繡完。 我現在感冒了,很麻煩啊!


Terry said...

I know how you feel, I had several patches when I was doing my City & Guilds when I felt as if I was hitting a brick wall, try changing what you are working on to something else in other colours or fabrics or threads or even just park your current project on one side and start something new

Carmen said...

the birds (goldfinch) look great. i hope you feel better much better soon.

Stitchingranny said...

The Goldfinches are looking lovely Elisabeth.

A friend started this course and only got about half way as there was so much of the content that she felt was just not to her taste and she was not enjoying it at all.

Margaret said...

While I haven't had time to comment, I've been keeping up and I have been quite inspired by your C&G work. I do understand that feeling of contraryness when it comes to work. I've had several times when I take a dislike to a piece I must do (generally a gift in my case) and it makes it impossible for me to work on anything else. I was going to do the counted thread Mastercraftsman program with the EGA here in the US, and even before the first piece was done, I was bogged down with worry about how the back would look, even though I had a great sampler design.
I've found that I usually break through the block by finishing the offending project as quickly as possible, or, as Terry suggests, doing something else - especially a fun, small project that can be finished quickly. Remember, spring is coming - I can see the shoots of dafodills and hyacinths.

VICKY said...

Esss preciiiiioso,me encanta los animales y tus trabajos fatasticos y llenos de dulzura.Con cariño Vicky
