Hardanger Progress

Haven't really had time or umph for any more stitching since this work on Sunday, I've been trying to get up to date with housework, laundry and preparing for a test tomorrow, (which I feel anything but prepared for, if I'm honest), but I hope to get back to more creative stuff just as soon as I can. I have a lot of catching up to do school-wise after being off with a cold and so on.
Still reading 'Sylvia's Lovers', but have really got going on it now - when I have chance to just sit and read for pleasure, that is. Not through with the Chinese version of 'Anne of Green Gables' yet either. I don't understand every word of it by a long shot, but I can make out about 2/3 I think and, as I know it well, it's no real strain. Next up will be 'The Secret Garden', which I haven't read for decades, (although I've seen the film of within the last few years a couple of times), so that will be a bit harder. Make language learning fun - read kids' books!!
We had friends 'round for dinner last night and I showed them the bee. I was right in thinking that the Taiwanese would be blown away by stumpwork. He asked me if I hadn't bought something and stuck it on and she said I ought to put it in the museum!!!! I could sell stumpwork pieces here, I think!!!
Wow!! That is a nice work! Love the colors on this one.
Well done on the progress. You are brave taking on such a difficult language. I am useless at any language, a typical Brit.
I keep seeing projects which say 'hardanger' and was wondering what it meant... can you shed some light please?
I really like the way the colour is coming out on the kloster blocks. Oddly, I don't have a hardanger project in my Year of UFOs ... I seem to finish those - and I want to do one now having seen yours!
I love the tread colors on your piece. GORGEOUS. Very pretty work.
Ann Flowers
So perfect! And yes...I finally really did do something about my desire to do more hardanger, thanks to you! It's a 12 month, 12 piece course. I'll be showing progress once it gets started. Stumpwork will have to wait though...I KNOW I'm not good enough for that! ha ha Don't ask me what makes me think I'm good enough for Hardanger! But you are so inspiring!
is a pretty work,the floss color is beautiful.
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