Stash Sunday - Anchor Pearl Cotton #12

The only thing I didn't like about it was how few colours it came in. The first picture above shows the entire of the original Anchor Pearl #12 collection including about a dozen colours that weren't available in the UK and I had to have shipped from Nordic Needle in the States. No proper yellows or oranges, no browns beyond a few beige shades, no grass greens. It was a really limited selection. Even DMC couldn't help much. They had some other colours available, but still no oranges, yellows etc, and a selection of only the same size.
Imagine my delight one day when browsing the Sew and So thread section I saw that the whole collection had been thoroughly re-vamped and considerably enlarged!
Of course, there were some casualties and the colours shown here in this selection of muted greens, blues, pinks and purples, along with a slightly deeper than vibrant red shade were all retired from the range. I must remember not to use these in anything I might design for sale later on, although DMC still seem to have some comparable hues. Shame about that red, though - Anchor shade 47, as I find it more useful than the brighter 46.
These were the first balls of the new set that I invested in. I chose landscape colours mostly so that I could continue to use them in Helen M Stevens' style pictures, where she represents fields, water and so on in long stitches of twisted silk. This would work well as a substitute thought I.
Of course, me being me and a complete thread-head floss fanatic, I didn't stop there and, two or three hauls later, I found myself with this as a personal collection:
Certainly a much better selection of shades than used to be available! There seem to be about 117 (only 40 in DMC just now) at the moment, and I don't have all of them. There seem to be about 30 I haven't yet bought, but I'm out of space for now, although I could create it within the system I already own. I don't want to need to look for new thread storage solutions as, much as I don't mind filling up the drawers and workbox that I have, I'm not interested in buying more. I have a LOT of thread, and much more could get beyond ridiculous, no? As you can see in this last shot, what I own just now fills the available space nicely, with room for two, three or four more balls at some point.
I have my Pearl Cotton #8 balls in the other cantilever section on the other side of the workbox and those could be rehoused if need be, i.e. if I ever wanted to expand this collection again. For now though, it stays as it is.
What about you? Have you used Pearl Cotton #12? What for? What other uses can you think of for it?
BTW, I won't be doing Stash Sunday posts every week!!
Text and images © Elizabeth Braun 2015
I don't think I've got any Pearl #12 at all. My thread collection is full of eccentric yarns I've not quite worked out how to use....
Wow, what a wonderful set of new colours! It's about time. I have used size 12 perle for running stitch turned edge cotton applique, (that's a mouthful!), AND for whip stitched wool applique. Presencia has a few bright colours in this size, but not a proper range, as far as I know.
I think everyone who likes some texture in their projects will be happy with this news! :D
Oh my goodness! I haven't used this thread but I saw it at Kelley's studio on Bristol and now you've tempted me! Thanks for introducing me to a new thread.
Liebe Grüße,
I have never used perle. I think I need to do something about that! Great post
Scrumptious!How yummy! I use Valdani's Perle 12 a lot and it's my preferred weight.
I'm a fan of perle #12 also and use it for so many things - blackwork, stumpwork, cross stitch and assisi, crazy quilt, French knots, needlepoint, hardanger.... I don't have the color range that you do, but it's one of the things I have no problem finding here in Japan.
WOW what a great stash, I've never used this yarn. will have to get some.
La broderie et les fils sont très beau bon après-midi Marie-Claire
Well, by the time we all get through drooling on this yummy threads, you will have to shop for new. LOL.
Absolutely green with envy here!!! I love stitching with pearl cotton threads and the colour selection available where I live is rather dismal. I'm a crazy quilter and love the wonderful definition pearl cotton gives to the stitches. Enjoy your stash!!!
I love stitching with #12, but haven't had any luck in find colors other than white or ecru. I think that might change as I met a lady in my crewel class that sells stitching materials from her home.
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