Regular Tuesday Update!!!
Or so it seems, anyway!!!!!Here's the progress on the latest hardanger cushion, i.e. not much really. I'm finding this one hard to get into, but I've done the kloster blocks on the 4 big white areas and worked in some more floral bits. This one is not as nice to stitch as the first one was and just wait until I get to the beading! If I calculated correctly, there will be 880 beads on this baby! Yeech!
I started another Textile Heritage bookmark kit in the car on the way to Nottingham on Sunday. Not much worth looking at yet, but borders never are inspiring, are they? I'll put in more on this as and when I can't quite face the hardanger, which in turn is done when I can't face the dog portrait, (i.e. all day, every day!!!!!!!!)Finally, I won 2 lovely stumpwork kits by Coleshill Collection on E-bay over the weekend. Here they are too. I dread to think when they'll get done, but I might just take one on holiday with me next month..... There are a lot of contenders for the 'holiday stitching' spot. In order to not add more to it though, I decided not to go to this year's Knitting and Stitching Show. Yes, I know, it's sacrelige to miss it, but I just have SO-O-O-O much stuff and there's not much I really need that much that I must pay a tenner to go to the Show. I'll go to one of the others in the spring.
May to July
1 year ago
1 comment:
Just found your blog and enjoyed the pics of your work enormously!!
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