Sunday, 9 August 2009

10 days to go....

And I am now the proud owner of 2 homemade underskirts that still need elastic putting in them!! You can hardly get underskirts in the UK, certainly not decent, cool ones - just nylon stuff and totally the wrong shape and length, so I've had to fish out my old Vogue pattern and run up 3 new, lightweight cotton ones.=) I got them all cut out and then managed to lose the instruction sheet! Thankfully, I'd done it before and had read the instructions through a night or so before I was ready to start the sewing, so I managed to do everything OK - I think! As I mentioned, just need to put the elastic in, but that's a do-by-hand job, so I've been able to put the machine way for the time being. I hope to get time to make myself a little camera bag with some of the lovely fabric I got in Taiwan last spring and have already cut the main pieces out and found a design I can adapt in one of my books. Hope I get chance now....

Hardanger still coming on slowly. This is how far I've got - done all the surface work and removed the threads. Don't suppose I'll have chance to finish this one before we go which is rather a let-down as it's for someone I hope to see the first weekend we're over there and I didn't really want to take the larger R&R frames I'd need to work it in. Anyway, can't be helped and they are nice and light when all's said and done. The colour in the thread seems to have come out a bit better with the flash, but it's still a far cry from the actual thing.=(

No Wanda, I don't think you'd be flipping. I think you'd do the same as we've done - plan well in advance and then just get on with things as their time arrives. For us, now the time has arrived for packing up our belongings and moving them into storage. There are 13 boxes in the storage room already - mostly books and another 2 here waiting to be filled as you can see here:

These are the bags waiting to go to the charity shop/thrift store:

This is my favourite. As the car boot/trunk needs to be clear for taking boxes to and fro, we've had to take the usual motoring supplies out and, frankly, the only place I could find space for them where they wouldn't be in the way and need constant moving was in the bathroom!!

And this last shot is what you do when you have surplus flour, sugar, oil and cocoa and friends are throwing a little leaving do for you:


Sparklyjools said...

You're doing amazingly well - on the final countdown now! I'm impressed with your underskirts at this late stage! (BTW my OCA pack arrived today, so I'm very excited!)

Carmen said...

Falta poco para el viaje!, he visto las noticias del huracán,espero que cuando esteis allí , no os afecte mucho ese tipo de tormentas. cuidaos mucho.

Margaret said...

All the best for life in Taiwan

Wanda said...

The hardanger photographed really well! By clicking and enlarging, I can really see the beautiful, soft colors. Such a delicate and incredible piece. Is an underskirt what we in the U.S. call a slip? Even years ago, I had trouble with those stupid things! ha ha Your packing is so organized and well thought out. Good job. Yes, that's the way it should be. And forget the last move was pretty panic free. Of course, I had 3 months to get ready for it. I actually had been living in boxes for 2 months and by the time "move day" came, I had been completely ready and practically camping out for at least a week before hand! And I had time for my lists and everything went perfect. Well, then a neighbor gave me a going away present...a plant!! That threw me into a panic for a few minutes!! ha ha ha And the count down continues...You're awesome!!!
